Research topics 2018/19
Here you can find the call 2018/19
Agroecosystem sustainability between climate change factors and herbicides resistances
(Proposer: Maura Brusoni)
Baseline monitoring of marine fouling: colonization success of non-indigenous species across habitats with different propagule pressure
(Proposer: Anna Occhipinti)
Conservation of wetland plants in agro-ecosystems of Northern Italy
(Proposer: Graziano Rossi)
Determination of P-T-t-d paths from lithospheric shear zones: links between deformation, magmatism and metamorphism
(Proposer: Matteo Maino)
Diamonds in the Almahata Sitta meteorite
(Proposer: Chiara Domeneghetti)
Exploiting the Pavia territory plant biodiversity for the discovery of proteasome modulators
(Proposer: Emanuela Martino)
Igneous processes governing Lower Oceanic crust accretion in the Oman ophiolite (IgLOO)
(Proposer: Alessio Sanfilippo)
Soil moisture measurements for shallow landslide prediction
(Proposer: Claudia Meisina)
Step by step 3D landscape reconstruction and hydrological budgets of the Northern Apennine foredeep during the Messinian Salinity Crisis
(Proposer: Andrea Di Giulio)
Sub-orbital climate variability, trigger and threshold of Mid-Pleistocene Transition
(Proposer: Claudia Lupi)
The Middle Triassic of Sardinia (Muschelkalk) in the frame of the Western Tethys evolution
(Proposer: Ausonio Ronchi)
Ethnobotanical survey of landraces in Trento Province for their conservation (N-Italy)
(Proposer: Costantino Bonomi – financed by MUSE)