Mid-term Evaluation
All years students
To access to the following year (for 1st and 2nd year students) or to the Final Exam (for 3rd year students), each PhD student must fill a report about his/her research’s activity (PhD Students’ Annual Report).
The tutor must draw up a comment about progresses of his PhD student (Tutor’s Evaluation Form).
The material is sent to a outside examiner, a member of the PhD Board, expert on the macroarea of the PhD student’s research, and to phd-dsta@unipv.it
First and second year students
The PhD student must give an oral presentation in front of the outside examiner and one or two members of a commission, chosen by the outside examiner and not necessarily belonging to the PhD Board’s members. PhD Board’s members and the tutor of the PhD student can be present to the presentation.
After the presentation, the outside examiner delivers his/her report about the PhD student to the PhD Board (Outside Examiner’s Evaluation Form).
After having considered the opinion of the tutor and the outside examiner, the PhD Board comes to a decision on its judgment about the PhD student.
The judgement can be:
– positive: the PhD student is admitted to the following year;
– under condition: the PhD student is admitted to the following year, but under condition. He/she must achieve results requested by the PhD Board within 6 months. If these results are not reached, the PhD student will not be admitted to the 3rd year;
– negative: the PhD student is not admitted to the following year.
Third year students
The PhD student must give an oral presentation in front of the PhD Board.
After having considered the opinion of the tutor and the outside examiner, the PhD Board comes to a decision on its judgment about the PhD student.
The judgement can be:
– positive: the PhD student is admitted to the Final Exam;
– negative: the PhD student is not admitted to the Final Exam.