PhD Career
Kickoff Presentation
After being selected, candidates must present their project in front of the PhD Board.
This presentation normally takes place in November.
Mid-term Evaluation
To encourage more PhD students to complete with good quality and within the prescribed time, as well as to prevent backsliding, our PhD introduced mid-term evaluations.
Mid-term evaluation is an evaluation of the individual PhD students’ progress and is carried out preferably in September every year. At mid-term evaluation, the PhD students is given the opportunity to receive feedback on their work so far and opportunity to clearly define their further work. At the same time, mid-way evaluation allows the PhD Board to identify possible situations that require follow-up.
Admission to the Final Exam
Third year PhD students must be admitted to the Final Exam by the PhD Board. Rules are the same of mid-term evaluation.
To be admitted to the Final Exam, PhD students must be the first author of minimum 1 publication accepted in ISI journals.
Thesis Review
Every third year PhD student is assigned an outside examiner, who will choose two thesis reviewers.
By the deadline decided by the PhD Board, students must send their thesis to their outside examiner.
Final Exam
After being admitted to the Final Exam, PhD students must follow the procedure prescripted by PhD Office (
Deadlines are published on UniPV website and on our web page.