Scientific writing

Andrea Mondoni (AM)
Matteo Alvaro (MA)
Massimiliano Bordoni (MB)
Daniele Pellitteri Rosa (DPR)
Andrea Gazzola (AG)
Anna Corli (AC)

Please register your participation by filling this FORM (deadline 14th Feb 2025)

Month Time Topic
27th Feb 2025
(room B7)
9.00 – 9.45 Theory and process of scientific writing – (AM)
9.45 – 10.00 QA session
10.00 – 10.45 Target Journal and metrics (e.g. IF, quartile, …) – (MA) (All)
10.45 – 11.00 QA session
11.00 – 11.45 AI (e.g. Mendely, Writefull) – (MB, AM)
11.45 – 12.00 Preparation for practice (*)
March TBD (2h) Summarise and present the central message (AC)
March TBD (2h) Paper presentation and discussion – (AM, MA, MB, DPR)
April  TBD (2h)  Paper presentation and discussion – (AM, MA, MB, DPR)
May TBD (3h) Formatting, submission and responses to reviewers- (DPR; AG)

(*) Students are asked to write parts of scientific papers (e.g. abstracts, introductions) and send them to another student acting as an examiner; the contents of the text may be related or not to the specific doctoral project in which the student participates. A copy of the text must also be sent to the professors who conduct the course. During the practical sessions (March and April), each text will be presented and discussed together, highliting strenghts and weakeness.