Author Archives: Roberto Sacchi
Giovanni Scribano wins “Prof. Emilio Gatti” award
- 02, 10, 2021
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere (Lombard Institute, Academy of Sciences and Arts) has awarded Giovanni Scribano with the degree award “Prof. Emilio Gatti” for his master’s thesis titled “Population dynamics and life history traits of the non-indigenous Paranthura japonica – Richardson (1909) in a recently invaded Mediterranean site”. The award is intended for “researches developing, […]
LeggiXXXVII series PhD Kickoff presentations
- 10, 30, 2020
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The first kickoff presentations of XXXVII series will take place on 22 October, 2021 – Room B6 DSTA: Calendar of presentations The second kickoff presentations, will take place on 05 November, 2021- Room B6 DSTA: Calendar of presentations
LeggiSeptember 30th: online event “How to manage your PhD” by ADI
- 09, 22, 2020
- Category Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

On September 30th at 18, ADI (Associazioni Dottorandi Italiani) offers an online event on its Facebook profile: “Il Dottorato – come funziona, com’è cambiato ai tempi della COVID-19 e come vogliamo che sia!” For further details:
LeggiFebruary 11th: International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- 02, 05, 2020
- Category Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The world need science. And science needs women. Share your story: pic at work career process best outcome troubles you have been through Send your picture and a short story (100 words junior – 500 words senior) by February 7th to, and/or Women and girls in science – 2020
LeggiCANCELLED: February 25th: Quale sostenibilità per le attività minerarie del XXI secolo?
- 02, 04, 2020
- Category Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The course has been cancelled, due to the University’s directions about corona virus prevention. On February 25th, at 9, in B7 room, there will be an event dedicated to mine site restoration under a multisciplinary point of view: “Quale sostenibilità per le attività minerarie del XXI secolo?”. There will be seminars by Claudia Meisina, Matteo […]
LeggiFebruary 5th: seminar on climate correlation and modelling magmatic processes
- 01, 16, 2020
- Category Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

On February 5th at 15, in B7 room (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, via Ferrata Pavia), Nick Pearce (Aberystwyth University) will give the presentation Tephra glass shard geochemistry: applications from climate correlation to modelling magmatic processes. Tephra studies as a tool for stratigraphic correlation started in Iceland the 1940s, and after 75 years, have become […]
LeggiMoM2020 school funded by SAFD
- 01, 16, 2020
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta, Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The School for Doctoral Education of the University of Pavia has awarded 5 PhD schools, including Metamorphosis of Metamorphism school organised by our PhD program. The school will take place from 6th to 11th July in San Tommaso (via Siro Comi, Pavia). The school will open with a brief overview of the theoretical background required for […]
LeggiJanuary 20-23: short course Principles of geological numerical modelling
- 01, 15, 2020
- Category Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

On January 20-23, in E floor Computer Room, Leonardo Casini (University of Sassari) will teach the short course “Principles of geological numerical modelling” (3 credits). Leaflet of the short course
LeggiSeminar by Roberta Guastella – Applied Micropalaentology
- 01, 08, 2020
- Category Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

On Thursday, January 9th, at 14 in D6 room, Roberta Guastella (33rd series PhD candidate) will give a seminar about “A century long Lessepsian colonization recorded in sediment cores: from the early failed invasion to the current success of Amphistegina lobifera in Malta“. Students and PhD candidates are invited. Leaflet of the seminar
LeggiPhD student Camilla Sani at sea to sample Doldrum FZ
- 11, 11, 2019
- Category Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

XXXV series PhD students Camilla Sani is sailing, together with her supervisor Alessio Sanfilippo, with the Russian ship Akademik Nikolay Strakhov. The aim of the cruise is to study the evolution of a large-offset transform offsetting the equatorial Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR), i.e. the Doldrums Transform (7-8°N). Sani’s PhD is focused on on the geochemical variability […]