Category Archives: NewsEng
Corso “Scrittura di articoli scientifici – Scientific writing”
- 01, 16, 2024
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi
La prima data per il corso sulla scrittura di articoli scientifici sarà il 29 Febbraio dalle 9 alle 12 in aula D2. Gli interessati devono registrarsi accedendo al seguente modulo entro il 26 Febbraio. Il programma ——- The first date for the course on writing scientific articles will be on February 29, from 9 to 12 in room D2 of our […]
LeggiSeminario “Sostenibilità del sistema agroalimentare, valorizzazione degli scarti e tecniche estrattive sostenibili”
- 01, 23, 2023
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi
Il seminario, di 12 ore complessive, avrà inizio l’11 Marzo 2024 e terminerà il 30 Marzo 2024. Le informazioni sugli orari e le aule saranno rese note agli iscritti più avanti. Gli interessati devono registrarsi accedendo al seguente modulo entro il 4 Marzo 2024. Oppure utilizzando il link: Il programma è disponibile al […]
LeggiThe first in-depth study of the secretarybird in the Serengeti National Park
- 01, 19, 2023
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

Il serpentario è un rapace iconico delle savane e delle praterie dell’Africa subsahariana. Purtroppo in questi ultimi anni si è assistito ad un calo preoccupante delle sue popolazioni, tanto da essere classificato come ‘Endengered’ dall’International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Per comprendere meglio le potenziali minacce che sta affrontando questa specie, sono intervenuti a […]
LeggiOn-line the PhD deadlines
- 06, 29, 2021
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

PhD Program’s internal deadlines for midterm evaluation and admission to the final exam, are on- line
LeggiGiovanni Scribano wins “Prof. Emilio Gatti” award
- 02, 10, 2021
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere (Lombard Institute, Academy of Sciences and Arts) has awarded Giovanni Scribano with the degree award “Prof. Emilio Gatti” for his master’s thesis titled “Population dynamics and life history traits of the non-indigenous Paranthura japonica – Richardson (1909) in a recently invaded Mediterranean site”. The award is intended for “researches developing, […]
LeggiXXXVII series PhD Kickoff presentations
- 10, 30, 2020
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The first kickoff presentations of XXXVII series will take place on 22 October, 2021 – Room B6 DSTA: Calendar of presentations The second kickoff presentations, will take place on 05 November, 2021- Room B6 DSTA: Calendar of presentations
LeggiMoM2020 school funded by SAFD
- 01, 16, 2020
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta, Senza categoria
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The School for Doctoral Education of the University of Pavia has awarded 5 PhD schools, including Metamorphosis of Metamorphism school organised by our PhD program. The school will take place from 6th to 11th July in San Tommaso (via Siro Comi, Pavia). The school will open with a brief overview of the theoretical background required for […]
LeggiGiacomo Assandri wins Giacomini Award
- 09, 17, 2019
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

The Italian Society of Ecology has awarded Giacomo Assandri with “Valerio Giacomini” Award. Giacomo Assandri, XXXIX series PhD, is now a young researcher at the University of Pavia. He cooperates with MUSE – Museo delle Scienze in Trento. The awarded paper is about how “good-looking” agricultural landscapes help promoting biodiversity and a grow of cultural ecosystemic […]
LeggiCICOPS scholarship to Angela Landinez
- 09, 03, 2019
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

Angela Landinez, PhD in 2018, has won a CICOPS scholarship in Pavia, from 12th September to 7th December. Angela’s research on Soil fungal biodiversity of high- Andes in Colombia: the potential use of the soil microbiota in the improvement agro-environment will be coordinated by her PhD tutor, Solveig Tosi. CICOPS program is aimed at fostering cooperation […]
LeggiVajont field course – Gallery
- 05, 28, 2019
- Category NewsEng, NewsIta
- Posted By Roberto Sacchi

On 23rd and 24th May our PhD students attended the field course “The Meaning of a Disaster”, held by Massimiliano Bordoni in the Vajont Valley. Gallery