Category Archives: NewsIta

Schlocchi Award to Chiara Amadori, PhD

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Chiara Amadori, PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences, 30th series, has won the Schlocchi Award for the best 2018 PhD Thesis. Amadori was awarded by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE International) and European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) for her research about 3D architecture and evolution of the Po Plain – Northern Adriatic Basin since the Messinian salinity […]


PhD new year’s inauguration

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During the ceremony for the inauguration of PhD new year, the Dean prof. Fabio Rugge met our XXX series PhD graduate and gave them the PhD diploma. Our phD graduate appear in this video from 1.40.25 to 1.42.45:


Alien species: the activities of our Ecology Lab

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The University of Pavia has produced a video that shows the research and activities of prof. Agnese Marchini and her team at the Ecology Lab. Agnese Marchini is monitoring alien species in the Mediterranean Sea. You can find the video at Credits: Andrea Taccani, University of Pavia


Welcome to XXXIV series PhD students

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On 26th October we threw a little party to welcome our new PhD students. The party was organised by senior PhD students. Welcome, dear students, and good luck!


Ossola field school – Photogallery

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Field course in Asinara: an interdisciplinary opportunity

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The field course in Asinara island, Sardinia, has just taken place from 17th to 21th June. The course has been a great opportunity for PhD and MSc students to meet and work together, as well as for Earth and Natural Sciences researchers. The field course has been organised by Matteo Maino, Matteo Alvaro and Antonio […]


2018 Daikin Award to PhD Giacomo Assandri

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The prestigious Daikin Biodiversity Conservation Award was awarded for the year 2018 to the doctoral thesis Biodiversity conservation in permanent crops and grasslands by Giacomo Assandri. Assandri has obtained a PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences, with a scholarship financed by MUSE (Trento). Supervisors of the project were Giuseppe Bogliani (Department of Science and Earth […]


2nd PhD Congress: Gallery

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Created with flickr slideshow.


R course by Achaz von Hardenberg – gallery

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“Modelli di distribuzione di specie con R”, course held by prof. Achaz von Hardenberg (University of Chester – UK) was very appreciated by all 23 students. Quality survey – Achaz von Hardenberg Program of the course Here a gallery of pictures taken during the course.


Mont Blanc Field Course – Gallery

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