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- Professors’ Forms
- Earth and Environmental Sciences PhD Program
- Admission to PhD – 39° Series
- People
- Research
- Education: rules and information
- Students’ Forms
- Field course: the Mont Blanc massif
- PhD Career
- Deadlines
- Mid-term Evaluation
- Mid-term Evaluation Calendar
- Field course in Asinara – 17-20 June 2018
- Earth and Environmental Sciences PhD Program
- Final Exam XXX series: calendar
- Research topics 2018/19
- Ossola Field Course
- XXXIII Series Mid-term Evaluation – calendar
- XXXIV series Mid-Term Evaluation – calendar
- Post-doc opportunities
- Structure and Composition of the Lower Continental Crust – October 7-10
- Gallery
- Research Topics 2019/20
- Winter School Thermal history of basin-source systems
- Structure and Composition of the Lower Continental Crust – Materials
- 32nd Series Final Exam – January 20th and 24th, 2020
- Summer School IAEG – Impact of slope instabilities on large infrastructures
- 4th PhD Congress: March 4-6th
- Research projects 39th series
- XXXV series – Mid-Term evaluation – calendar
- Scientific Writing – February 1st, 2021
- Statistical Regression Models for Engineering Geology through R
- XXXVI series – Mid-Term evaluation – calendar
- Environmental meta-omics
- Course List
- Scrittura di articoli scientifici
- Relational databases for the natural sciences and SQL programming
- Sostenibilità del sistema agroalimentare, valorizzazione degli scarti e tecniche estrattive sostenibili
- Escursione multidisciplinare
- Introduzione ai modelli di distribuzione di specie con R
- Data-driven and machine learning models for Earth and Environmental Sciences through R
- Mid-Term Evaluation calendar
- Geophysical exploration for near-surface target detection and imaging
- From experimental data to reactive transport models: applications and examples for geological storage studies
- Sostenibilità del sistema agroalimentare, valorizzazione degli scarti e tecniche estrattive sostenibili
- Advanced microanalyses
- Vibrational Spectroscopy meets Geoscience
- Alpine Plants Ecology, Biogeography and Conservation
- Ecologia I funghi lignicoli: ecologia, diversità e implicazioni in patologia forestale
- Escursione multidisciplinare
- Other Universities – Teaching plan
- Introduction to Modern Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Admission to PhD – 40th cycle BIS – a. y. 2024/2025
- Research projects 40° series
- How to make an effective presentation
- Geophysical exploration for near-surface target detection and imaging: information
- I funghi lignicoli: ecologia, diversità e implicazioni in patologia forestale
- How to make an effective presentation
- AQ – Quality Assurance
- Scientific writing
- Training Programme
- Useful link
- About us
- Research project 40th cycle BIS
- Relational databases for the natural sciences and SQL programming
- A multidisciplinary excursion